Bath Bomb Making

How To Make Bath Bombs

How To Make Bath Bombs...

  1. Prepare and clean your working area, including sourcing all of your equipment.
  2. Next, measure out the bicarbonate of soda and the citric acid into a mixing bowl, seiving if necessary and thoroughly mix together until you have a consistent texture. Always wear safety equipment, including protective gloves when bath bomb making.
  3. Then, add in your colour and mix well until you have a consistent shade throughout the mixture.
  4. Add in your chosen fragrance or essential oil into mixture. Most essential or fragrance oils will not cause the mixture to fizz, but certain citrus oils may, so if this happens, mix in quickly and thoroughly. Do not leave the mixture to stand or it will slowly start to set.
  5. Next, a little at a time and working the mixture all the time, spray a little water on it with the hand sprayer. Mix continuously to avoid it fizzing-up in the bowl and ONLY ADD ENOUGH WATER TO HAVE THE MIXTURE START TO HOLD TOGETHER WHEN LIGHTLY SQUEEZED IN YOUR HAND.
  6. Test the mixture by squeezing some in your hand. It should JUST hold together and not be too damp, similar to a snowball.
  7. Once this point is reached you need to work quickly to compress the mixture into your moulds. Fill each half just proud of the surface and press together for a few moments. Slightly over-filling with give your bath bomb space to grip and hold together.
  8. Then, gently remove one half, being careful not to let the bath bomb fall out. Give it a gentle tap if it is being stubborn.
  9. Leave to set in the remaining half for a few hours. Repeat until your have used up all of your bath bomb mix.
  10. Once solidified, simply remove the bath bomb from the mould and then you can enjoy your DIY bath bombs!


To keep your bath bombs in top condition, keep them in a sealed container at room temperature until you want to display them.

Beginners will usually find Granular Citric Acid easier to use. To improve the look and finish of the bath bomb, use Powdered or very fine Citric Acid, although care needs to be taken not to use too much water or they will start to 'grow' before they set hard.

You could choose to use all kinds of moulds including something simple like ice-cube trays or small yogurt pots, silicone baking moulds, cupcakes etc. If making these with children it's often easier to use simple moulds that don't need two halves.

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