Activity Packs


Making hand made soaps and toiletries can be far easier that you might think and many techniques are perfectly suited to children's activities when adequately supervised. Here at The Soap Kitchen we have a number of Activity Packs designed to help keep children occupied in school holidays or during wet weekends and the great thing is that they can very quickly use what they've made. The cost of these packs is set to be a saving over simply searching our site and buying everything individually. To keep costs down we DO NOT INCLUDE instructions or pre-measured ingredients (choose kits if this is what you want) so you should please refer to our general instruction web pages for the type of pack you choose. Please follow the links below....

Bath Bomb Activity Packs Melt and Pour Soap Activity Packs

These instruction pages are general, not specific. It is the responsibility of the parent or supervisor to read and understand these instructions and how they apply to the activity pack contents.

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